Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Dreams Concerning New York, UN Military Tanks, And War Breaking Out.

Today around 5 or 6 am I received a series of prophetic dreams one after another.

I was shown New York City! I saw Military men searching, and walking on top of buildings with their rifles, as I was observing this from the air ( the sky) 
I perceived they were keeping order, then I started to look below the building and saw military tanks with the letters UN ( United Nations) on them they were all in the streets.
(Kinda Like Marshall Law).

I was also shown an aircraft carrier ( USA) being attacked, and the USA retaliating back and I saw missiles shoot forth to the sky! 
This is not the first time that I was shown this, but a few days ago I had a similar dream of New York underwater. I was in a boat in the water as I saw everything going underwater and the head of the statue of liberty as well. During this dream, I started to remember the movie " Day After Tomorrow" as there was a scene where a tsunami wave was approaching the city! During the first part of the dream, I forgot to mention I saw the sky blue and clear as can be on the right and on the left, but towards the middle, a dark cloud approaching like a storm and when I was seeing this I said " OH NO" I was terrified! Sad!

Prepare! For Events to come! Our Only Hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ!!!
Take all things to the Lord in prayer for confirmation.

Saturday, January 2, 2021


                                                      ENOUGH TIME HAS BEEN GIVEN

Message received: January 1,2021 9:30 pm 

Haven't I been merciful, and kind with my creation?                                                                                    Haven't I let rain fall on the just, and unjust? How much more condemnation shall this perverse generation receive? For bibles were given freely at no expense church attendees attending service after service and never truly knowing ME. Foolish ignorant man in the pulpit today, disguising themselves as my shepherd but in reality, it was all a show to frame you on giving tithes, and offerings sending the congregation right to the pits of HELL! For while they profess to know me I DID NOT KNOW THEM! For wasn't written in times of old, To be watchful and in prayer at all times? ( Scriptures that came to mind matthew 7:15-21, correlates also to 2 corinthians 11:13)  Haven't I given you the ability to seek me indeed? Only a few truly know me indeed! Let the blind follow the blind, and they shall both fall into the ditch... Haven't' i been patient with you? The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering towards you not willing that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance.

Haven't I given you enough time to get to know my ways of RIGHTEOUSNESS!?? While i pleaded and pleaded for humanity to let me in fully they DID NOT! I will have no impartation with anyone that rejects me. He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters abroad. Merciful, and loving have i been to all including those who have been rebelling against me. I HAD ENOUGH THUS SAITH THE LORD! Speak loud, and clear for my people to hear Thus Saith The Lord! ENOUGH TIME HAVE I GIVEN YOU THUS SAITH THE LORD! I've gone too far than expected, much time has been given but very minimal repentance indeed. I will no longer hold back!! Prepare my people and warned them to FLEE FROM THE WRATH that is surely coming, though it tarries wait for it because it will surely come it will not tarry!

I've warned, and warned numerous times, count the stars in the sky son of man! It is merely impossible for humanity to grasp the wonders and mysteries of the universe, I exaggerate to show you how countless the stars are that it will be impossible to grasp and count them all at once! I give you this short analogy to show you how many times I've warned America NUMEROUS TIMES! Behold the watchtower, for it is a millisecond before sudden desolation.

Scriptures: 2 peter 3:9, matthew 7:21, Ezekial 33:33, matthew 7:23, matthew 5:45, psalm 9:16